Dog Begins, Consummates Chain Reaction
Chain reaction:
Alex Holmstrom, a Stockholm businessman, smacked his car into a tree here when a dog ran in front of it unexpectedly. He and his wife were knocked unconscious by the impact.
A woman on a bicycle just passing by witnessed the crash, went into shock and hit the same tree. She was knocked unconscious, too.
The owner of the dog rushed out to retrieve his pet. The dog, made nervous by the swift rush of events, bit his master on the nose.
All four persons were hospitalized.

This newspaper clipping is part of the collection I inherited from Irene Dykstra. Irene had a big dream: become a published author. Alzheimers caught up with her before she could realize that dream, but she left behind a folder of newspaper clippings that inspired her story ideas. I’m sharing one clip a week in her memory, and I’d love to hear how they inspire you!