Shannon Skaer
One of my favorite books as a kid was The World’s Last Mysteries by Reader’s Digest. It chronicled “ancient civilizations, archaeological discoveries, unexplained catastrophes, and other mysteries from man’s past.” Or, in other words, exactly the kind of thing I geek out over. As an author of historical and science fiction, I enjoy exploring forgotten peoples and vanished places from a Christian worldview informed by creation science.
Rules: no paranormal. No aliens, Bigfoot, or Nephilim. Yes to dinosaurs, DNA analysis and improbable possibilities.

The Last Man on Earth, as told by a Trash Pile-The Story of Henderson Island
This is the story of the last person on earth, as told by a trash pile left on Henderson Island. Of course it’s a story from ancient history, so you and I know he wasn’t actually the last person, but he didn’t know that. He had every reason to believe he was the only human left, and he…

The Mysterious Lake of Human Bones in Remote India
In 1942, a forest ranger discovered a lake full of human bones high in the Himalayans. And when I say Roopkund Lake is full of human bones—the remains of around three hundred people rest in the lake water. The area is remote. Before a lake packed with dead folks was discovered, the only people who…

Man Chasing Chicken Discovers Ancient Underground City
In 1963, a man in Derinkuyu, Turkey, couldn’t keep his chickens from disappearing. The chickens were kept in an apparently safe location; his basement. No wild animals, no place for the feathered beasts to hide, right? So where did they go? One day he entered the basement in time to see a fluffy feathered rear…

NYC in a 30 foot RV, or My Road Trip to Therapy
When the policeman flagged us down, we happened to be passing New York City. The next exit led downtown. Our 30 foot rig rolled off the interstate and onto the streets of upper Manhattan.

Reading Ancient Mail isn’t Snooping, Right?
Late in the fall of 1896, Bernard Grenfell and Arthur Hunt, scholars fresh from Oxford took the steamer to Cairo. They wanted to become Famous Archaeologists during a period when the British were fascinated by ancient Egyptian artifacts. So fascinated that said artifacts were disappearing from Egypt like sliced grapes from a toddler’s plate. They decided to dig…

Auto’s Trail of Destruction Long, Varied
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (P) – Mrs. Ola Bragg Minter’s automobile sideswiped another car Sunday. Police said Mrs. Minter continued up the street without stopping. A mile away she failed to make a curve and the car turned sideways, ripping up a street sign and 20-foot iron advertising sign. Righting itself, the automobile rolled through a service…

Dog Rescues Albany Child
Albany, Dec. 1, AP Mrs. Ed Scofield credited a Chesapeake retriever dog today with saving the life of her 17-month-old son Larry. She said the dog, owned by the family, came to her in the yard and led her to a neighbor’s fish pond. There Larry, soaking wet, was lying beside the pool. Teeth marks…