About Me
Hello there!
I write fiction. I write it in my head whenever I see a photo of a bog body or a petroglyph scrawled on a canyon wall, and when I read scientific journals about the violent storms of the early Ice Age or the vanished peoples of Henderson Island. And now and then, I write a story down.

My life could best be described as a love affair with beauty, and my greatest joy is to know God, from whom all beauty comes.
I’m a voracious reader of old, dusty books, and an unabashed fan of cheesy sci-fi TV. I live in a small logging town in Oregon with my very own hero and our nine children.
My favorite authors, in no particular order, are Patrick O’Brian, C.S. Lewis, P.G. Wodehouse, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Dorthey Sayers.
The best fiction book ever written was Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis. That’s a fact.
Want to get to know me a little better? Check out the true story of my chaotic visit to NYC in a 30ft RV.

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