Woman Held Captive By Midget’s Bathtub
COUNCIL BLUFFS, Ia., Dec. 4 -(AP) – Mrs. Marie Turnquist, about 65, is recuperating today from 60 hours imprisonment in a midget’s bathtub.
Her hands were raw and blistered from her vain struggles to free herself, but she still could joke about her predicament. Her physician said she was in “surprisingly good condition.”
Mrs. Turnquist was occupying the home of a friend, Mrs. Inez Bergant, a midget whose home is widely known for its doll-sized furnishings. Mrs. Bergant is wintering in Florida.
At 9:30 Wednesday night Mrs. Turnquist, whose family call her “pleasingly plump,” got into the tiny bathtub 36 inches long, 19 inches deep and 19 inches wide.
She was held fast until Saturday morning when neighbors who had missed her broke into the house.
They had been unable to hear her cries for help but wondered why she had not answered the telephone.
“I just kept praying to get out,” Mrs. Turnquist said. “I said ‘Lord, why don’t you answer? You have always answered my prayers before.’
“After a while I thought that was kind of bad, so I said, ‘Well Lord, I didn’t ask you about getting into this little dinky tub, so why should you answer.’”

This newspaper clipping is part of the collection I inherited from Irene Dykstra. Irene had a big dream: become a published author. Alzheimers caught up with her before she could realize that dream, but she left behind a folder of newspaper clippings that inspired her story ideas. I’m planning on sharing one clip a week in her memory, and I’d love to hear how they inspire you!